If you’re getting ready for a dental crown treatment, you might already be familiar with the placement process itself. You’ll show up for your appointment, receive a local anesthesia, wait patiently as your dentist sets your temporary crown, then return roughly two weeks later for the permanent version. That all sounds gravy, but what should you expect after your treatment?
For that, you’ll have to look back – to the future! Keep reading for some forward-thinking tips that’ll help you through recovery.
Beware of the Numbing Effect
Modern anesthetics are a great tool for making procedures like dental crown placement possible, make no mistake. However, it does take time for the full effects to wear off. After you return home from your first appointment, your mouth will likely still be numb. If you need a snack or a refreshing drink, avoid anything hot, hard, or chewy, otherwise you could accidentally bite or burn yourself.
Dealing with Soreness
It’s not uncommon to experience oral soreness for a couple of days after receiving your crown. Like you, your mouth is adjusting to the new restoration. Eventually the discomfort will fade, but in the meantime, make sure you’re well-stocked on pain relievers, desensitizing toothpaste, and peppermint tea. That last suggestion isn’t a joke – peppermint is a natural numbing and soothing agent!
Caring for Your Crown
Now, you can care for your permanent crown the same way you would natural teeth: with twice daily brushing, once daily flossing, and regular visits to your dentist. Temporary crowns, on the other hand, aren’t as durable. You’ll have to avoid consuming hard, sticky, and chewy substances that could damage or dislodge it, and your dentist might recommend a more careful flossing routine.
Symptoms to Look Out For
Though oral discomfort is considered a normal part of dental crown recovery, there are some instances where it’s not so normal. Severe pain that makes it hard to eat, sleep, or go about your day is deserving of attention, as well as prolonged aching. If you experience this kind of soreness or show signs of fever, contact your dentist right away to request an emergency appointment.
It’s good to be aware of what symptoms could spell trouble, but it’s more likely that your dental crown recovery will be uncomplicated. Take the time to rest and relax and remember that you can always call your dentist if you have questions or concerns!
About the Practice
Dr. Manpreet Dhaliwal and Dr. Navi Dhaliwal take the time to empower their patients by keeping them informed throughout the treatment process and making sure their questions get answered. If you’re looking for an experienced dentist who will walk you through the dental crown process from consultation to recovery, you’ve found them here at Complete Dental Care of Renton! To contact Dr. Manpreet and Dr. Navi’s office, call 425-226-5940.