Wisdom Tooth Extractions – Renton, WA
Say Goodbye to the Third Molars
Wisdom teeth are also commonly referred to as third molars. Unfortunately, they rarely grow in straight and can easily become impacted, resulting in numerous complications. If you or your teen are having difficulty with one or more of your wisdom teeth, don’t hesitate to call our dental office today to learn more about wisdom tooth extractions from our Renton, WA dentist . From there, we can conduct an exam and help you determine what the next best steps are!

Why Choose Complete Dental Care of Renton for Wisdom Tooth Extractions?
- Dentist with 30+ Years of Experience
- Trusted & Caring Dental Team
- Innovative Technology for More Accurate Treatment
What are Wisdom Teeth?

As we touched on above, wisdom teeth are the third set of molars. They earned the name “wisdom teeth” because they typically begin to erupt between the ages of 16 and 25. However, they often begin forming much sooner, which is why some patients get them removed well before then.
Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

Although wisdom teeth were once necessary for food consumption in early civilizations, they are no longer necessary because of how diets have changed and facial structures have narrowed. Unfortunately, these teeth continue to create problems when attempting to erupt. Because there is a lack of space inside the mouth, they can become impacted and wreak havoc on nearby teeth. That’s why we need to remove them sooner rather than later.
What to Expect from the Wisdom Teeth Procedure

Wisdom teeth can either be partially erupted or impacted, so depending on the status of your third molars, we will either perform a simple or surgical tooth extraction. Once you receive local anesthesia to keep you calm and out of any pain, our dentists will begin. If you require a simple removal, he will use specialized instruments to elevate the tooth and rock it back and forth until it dislodges from the socket.
If the tooth is impacted, we will need to make an incision in the gums to expose the underlying tooth. We will then remove it in sections to ensure a smoother and easier process.
After closing the area and using clean gauze to stop any bleeding, we will send you home with clear instructions so that your healing process is swift and successful.
Recovering from Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Patients often forget that the recovery period is just as important as the procedure itself! That’s why we will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions when you leave our office. That includes:
- Taking OTC pain medication as directed.
- Avoiding strenuous exercise.
- Not drinking through a straw or spitting.
- Sticking to soft, nutrient-dense foods, like oatmeal and scrambled eggs.
- Using a cold compress for 10 minutes at a time.
- Sleeping with your head elevated.